Record album «Stalin's report at the extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets on the 25th of November, 1936 on the draft Constitution of the USSR»

Many still remember audio tape cassettes, but records and old gramophone are already very retro. Today both are honorable in the museum.

The difficult fate of the records was inseparable from the development process of the devices that played them. However the 20-30s last century can be called the "finest hour" of these simple at first glance sound carriers.

With the widespread use of records and the repertoire has become more diverse. In addition to the works of classical and modern music, records were released speech programs. The speeches of prominent state and public figures of the Soviet state were recorded. Among them for example “Report of Comrade I. V. Stalin at the Extraordinary VIII All-Union Congress of Soviets on the 25th of November, 1936 on the draft Constitution of the USSR”: the appearance of Comrade Stalin on the podium is met with a storm of applause and prolonged applause from the entire hall; “Hurray to Comrade Stalin!”, “Long Live the Great Stalin!” The following is the report of Joseph Vissarionovich himself. Perhaps this album was not listened to, but party leaders were obliged to have it.

The album consists of 21 plates placed in a red case. The case shows a bas-relief stamping of the profile of I.V. Stalin. Each plate, enclosed in a separate envelope, contains the manufacturer's trademark (Moscow Memorial Plant 1905) in the form of crossed swallows and a treble clef.