Polotsk city hospital. 1921-1939

In 1921 the People's Hospital with therapeutic, surgical, venereological, infectious and gynecological departments was opened. February 21, 1924, the People's Hospital was transformed into the Polotsk City Hospital with the appropriation of the name of Lenin. In the same year, the eye department was opened.
In 1926 the maternity hospital was opened at the hospital, the following year the children's department was opened. At the same time, women's counseling began work. In those years, the hospital served 65% of the population of the district. Food for the sick was bought in private shops or on collective farms.
In 1927, the gynecological and ENT departments were opened; in 1932 the first physiotherapy room was opened; a year later the hydropathical and an infectious disease department was opened. In the period from 1935 to 1941 the system of population survey was improved.
In the Polotsk hospital named after Lenin worked specialists who graduated from Moscow, Kazan, St. George's University, as well as foreign educational institutions. The city was practiced by doctors, candidates of sciences; leading doctors had publications in medical journals.