Polotsk in the 17th-18th centuries.

During the 17th century there were fundamental changes in the religious life of Polotsk. After the Jesuits, other Catholic monastic orders appeared in the city: monasteries of the Order of the Franciscans (1648), the Order of the Dominicans (1672), The Monastery of Bernardine Order (1697).In the second half of the 17th century, the position of the Uniate Church strengthened; the Uniate Church was established in 1596 by signing a union between Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The main temple of the Uniates in Polotsk was the Sophia Cathedral.

Protestants started their activities in Polotsk even before the Livonian War. There was Calvinist Order in the center of the city until the middle of the 17th century, which was destroyed during the Russian-Polish War (1654-1667).

In addition to Christian denominations in Polotsk, there were Jews and Muslims during the 17th -18th centuries. Jews accounted for more than half of the urban population by the end of the 18th century