Walk along Nizhne-Pokrovskaya: acquaintance with the oldest street of the city

In April 2023, a series of museum and pedagogical classes dedicated to the history of the oldest street in our city, Nizhne-Pokrovskaya, was held in the House of Peter I as part of the "My Ancient City" program. Students of the 3rd grade of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School №10 named after. V. M. Azina", "Basic School №15 of Polotsk", "Secondary School №16 of Polotsk", "Polotsk City Gymnasium №1 named after. F. Skorina" got acquainted with a brief history of the construction of St. Sophia and Epiphany Cathedrals, a Lutheran church, the building of the former Polotsk city public bank, and the mansion of the mayor of N. O. Loskovich.

After traveling along Nizhne-Pokrovskaya Street, third-graders entered the museum building, where they heard a first-person story about the oldest Polotsk street, and plunged into the atmosphere of the early 20th century. The children took part in the conversation with pleasure and answered the entertaining questions of the "townswoman".