State and religion. 25.04.-21.05.1922 - confiscation of church values

In the early 1920s, a campaign to discredit the cult of the relics of saints began in the city. During the First World War, during the relics of the Monk Euphrosyne of Polotsk in the evacuation in Rostov, their first autopsy was conducted. Examination did not give the necessary materials for the declaration of relics falsified. In the autumn of 1921, the shrine was returned to Polotsk. The second autopsy occurred six months later. After that, relics were transported to Vitebsk to the Museum of the Provincial Department of Public Education.

Almost simultaneously, the relics of Andrei Boboli were revealed, which were then sold to the Vatican.

In the same year in 1922 in the Vitebsk province began a campaign to confiscate church values. The purpose of the enterprise was to raise funds for the starving people in Volga region. 200 kg of gold and silver were exported from the seven churches of Polotsk.