The Polish occupation. September 1919 - May 1920

In September 1919, the evacuation was again declared in Polotsk in connection with the approach of the front. Many institutions and individual enterprises left the city. Polish troops entered the southern outskirts of the city and occupied Zadvinye on September 20. Under cover of intense artillery fire the White Poles tried to cross the Western Dvina and occupy the entire city. Thanks to the stubborn resistance, the invaders went over to the defense, which marked the beginning of a positional war lasting 8 months.

In the spring of 1920, new military units were transferred to the Western Front. The main blow to the Polish troops was decided to inflict in the Polotsk area. In May, the city was visited by the commander of the Western Front, M.N. Tukhachevsky. After his arrival, on May 14, the troops launched an offensive, and the next day Polotsk was released.