Tues (berestyanka, beresten)

In peasant life not only earthenware, but also products made from birch bark were widespread. Such dishes did not miss the water, had the strength and resistance to rot, kept the freshness of products for a long time. Besides, bark is a powerful natural antiseptic. The most popular product from birch bark was berestyanka or tues - a small box of cylindrical shape with a tight-fitting lid. Honey, sour cream, cereals, seasonings and other bulk products were stored in it.

The device resembles a thermos: between the outer and inner walls there is a small air space. In such dishes, water or kvass remained cold for a long time in hot weather. Milk, fish, and salted mushrooms were stored in large tues. Sometimes bark was woven around earthenware, which gave it strength. Damaged pots were also woven around, but such beresten was no longer placed in a furnace, but used to store food. Туес (берестянка, берестень)